Authentic handbags in Dubai generally mean those types of handbags that are sold by the local makers of handicrafts and leather ware. Leather industry is a traditional industry in every Middle Eastern and North African Arabic countries; therefore, you can count on finding great authentic handbags just everywhere in town. Yet, there are places where you are more likely to find genuine traditional leather goods, which vary from belts, to leather puffs, sandals and just anything which you can imagine. Let us look at some lesser-known places that are great to find genuine leather goods.
In this article, we are going to try to find out which are the best places in Dubai to look for genuine leather goods, souvenirs and authentic handbags. Leather tanning and tanneries have always played an important part of the industries of the Middle East. Not having a good soil for the crops, in the old times the main industry had been the tanning and the business of leather goods. Therefore, Arabic tanneries and leather goods have gained fame early in the history. Leather is great and reliable as a material; also, it is good for the making of so many things, from furniture to horse-tools.
Today, leather goods are mainly made for women, such as belts, handbags and leather jewellery. Authentic handbags from Dubai look great and they are handmade. One of the main places you can get leather goods include the Deira souks where for sure you will find dozens of leather shops so you can check out all of them. The other great place is Karama, which is also well known for its furniture stores and leather furniture. Karama district is also home to many sellers that sell illegal copies of designer bags. This means, Karama is popular for tourists from all over the world, who are looking for genuine authentic handbags and replicas made out of good quality leather. Look for a place called “Cricket”.
One of Dubai’s secret places, on which not many guides will tell you, is called the “Antique Museum”. This is a real Aladdin’s Cave for shoppers. First, Antique Museum is not a museum at all. Its name is quite a tricky one. It can be found in the Al Quoz area, pretty near to Jumeirah Beach Hotel and it sells all sorts of antique or handicraft items. There are many, who could discover this place already and have a very good opinion on it. You can find all sorts of leather ware, wooden statues and furniture but also bronze collections for a good price. Antique Museum is huge with its 65 thousand square feet, so you can be sure that you will get to see many-many great things over here.
When you are looking for authentic handbags and craftsmen or shops which deal with the selling of them in Dubai, you can also have a stop by the Dubai Heritage and Fishing Village, whose inhabitants all do handicrafts and live from selling them to the visitors. You will see how easy it is to find beautiful authentic handbag in Dubai.