Mastectomy Bras by Anita

One of the leading manufacturers of mastectomy bra and other mastectomy lingerie is the German brand Anita. The company has been in the business for over 125 years. A family owned business, Anita has earned a huge reputation for its products that is the result of thoughtfulness, commitment and a thorough knowledge of customer needs and mindset.

The Anita brand of post-mastectomy bras, prostheses, swimsuits, sports bras etc designed and manufactured for women who will have undergone mastectomy procedure. The brand’s quality, functionality and fit have all come to be accepted as among the best in the industry and available to buy in Dubai.

Breast cancer is the most common ailment in a large number of women today. For such women, mastectomy is a big boon. However, the procedure gives them continued life but will have a lasting effect. All their lives, these women will have to carry with them a tormenting sense of being less than and different from other normal women. In such situation, they will need some support in terms of how they look post-surgery.

One good thing for them is, of late, there have been many top order companies like Anita, who make quality products that make the mastectomy-affected women feel quite at home and look natural. The brand intends to take a lead in supporting the post-mastectomy women and make them feel comfortable. This one-and-a-quarter-century old company has been not just making and selling mastectomy bras. The name is also know for its initiatives in providing emotional support to mastectomy patients by thoroughly understanding their anxieties and depression. Anita products come from traditional styles of the most modern plunging necklines and delicately laced products.

A few of the most popular mastectomy bras offered by this German lingerie making company are broadly discussed here, just for the sake of the reader’s information.

First among these examples is the Anita isra prosthesis. The bra is of front-closing type. This bra is made of stretch cotton and provides soft cover that is necessary in post-surgery situation. The bra with both velcro and button closure makes it easy to wear without being bothered by the hook or clasp in the back.

Another type is Gloria 2 Pocket Microfiber Seamless Prosthesis Bra (5382X). This bra facilitates comfortable wear with prosthesis and also as an attractive undergarment. It looks more like a regular bra with lace trim with a low neckline.

Anita Esther 5309 mastectomy bra is yet another product that comes in a sporty design, made of high cotton content fabric. It has broad laced straps to provide comfort. The pocketed bra has a three-position fastener.

This post-surgery bra comes as perfect fit for women who will have undergone partial surgery or reconstruction surgery. Pockets included into both cups in this bra are made of thin cotton tulle. These pockets can hold the breast forms quite securely in place.

When it comes to the sizes, Anita mastectomy bras are available in a wide range of sizes starting from 34A to 42C in Dubai.

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