We all know that in Dubai, the possibilities were stretched wider in every ways. There are buildings, complexes, architectural dreams made to come true in this last decade in the area of Dubai. However, there are a very few examples, when imagination go wilder than the actual possibilities to make it come true. Therefore, the dream remains a dream, at least, for a while. One shining example of these architectural dreams, which not even in Dubai could yet come true, is Dubai Underwater Hotel. Hydro-polis would have been so unique, so alone standing, that is no wonder, why it remained a dream.
If we ever get to see the plans and the computer-made pictures of the Dubai Underwater Hotel, for sure our mouth will be left open at least for a couple of seconds and you would say “UNBELIEVABLE”! The Dubai Underwater Hotel is the dream of a German architect, who could see on time, that there is no other place, where he could make his dream come true, than Dubai. Not only financial reasons have led him to go to Dubai to make his plans of the Dubai Underwater Hotel come true, but also the geographical situation and the Middle-Eastern warm climate have led him to this conclusion. According to him, the future of the humans lie in the water, that is what he would like to symbolize with this hotel, the very first in its kind.
The idea of having some sort of settlement part underwater of course exists long ago. The uniqueness of this hotel would have been, that it is not connected with the land, and that it is an organic entity, which in fact lives under the water.
The plans of the Dubai Underwater Hotel are grandiose, monumental, containing countless elements, which have been by far never used in construction, neither in architecture. The plans of the Dubai Underwater Hotel are the plans of a spaceship, a giant almost-living creation, which would mainly be under the water, but also having some parts over it, as a gratis for those who initially does not want to feel that they are transforming into a fish.
After hard work, the German team found the main investor to his plans, the Dubai Development and Investment Authority. There were great expectations were about the rise, on the realisation of the Dubai Underwater Hotel, which would have situated about 60 meters deep in the water of the Persian Gulf. The initial plans of realisations started to shape around 2006, but due to several reasons, the building of the Hydropolis has been cancelled for an indefinite time.
Many numerous services and rooms would have been found in the Dubai Underwater Hotel. It would have been really a great number and all the plans promised something, which have not been done before. As it seems, the construction of the Dubai Underwater Hotel is still too big a task for human to make it come true.