Guess handbags are quite popular and trendy, especially for the younger generation of women. As Guess handbags are not excessively prices yet represent a strong brand and quality, they are famous for shopping, either in shops or online. Let us see what we can get to know about Guess and where we can find Guess handbags in Dubai.
Guess has always been very strong in accessories. Besides their strength are the jeans, denim of all sorts. The Marciano brothers who immigrated to the United States in the seventies and opened their first store and factory in 1977 founded Guess. This was the time when jeans have become excessively popular and worn by every single generation in the United States as well as all over the world. So Guess had a great chance to make its luck at that time and so they did. Their main brand is called “Guess?” and its triangle emblem is worldwide popular. Guess has stores everywhere in the world and they are highly popular. Guess was the first brand that has introduced a more elegant approach to jeans and their fashion campaign with the black and white photographs is what has made them even more popular. Guess has its downturn in the nineties but was revived due to the new designing and market strategy. Today Guess sports the brands Guess, G and Guess by Marciano. The Marciano brothers manage the Guess items including all sorts of fashion items and accessories so the business has managed to stay a family business.
Guess represents a fresh and trendy style. Its collections often take inspiration from the Rock and Roll era of the United States and the classic Hollywood era of the Fifties. Their items are not excessively priced although they are not among the cheapest ones either. The Guess products are not sold in different stores with the exception of their G line jeans that can also be bought in the stores of GAP in the United States. Guess had lots of label stores which had to close down due to their downhill state in the nineties and not all of them have reopened, especially ever since Guess items can be purchased also online. In Dubai, there are only two places to purchase Guess handbags, one of the Paris Boutique that offers a wide variety of Guess handbags and the other is the Guess label store, which is located in the BurJuman Shopping Mall. There are Guess stores also in The Dubai Mall but they mostly sell the watches and jewellery line of Guess that have become very popular also in the United Arab Emirates.
Guess handbags are not that much promoted as the handbags of other main fashion brands as at Guess they have the real role of accessory and not a star of the wardrobe. However, they sport quality pieces made out of textile and leather. The Guess handbags are mainly small and do not follow the fashion of the large handbags. Check out the Guess bags in Dubai, you will find a wide variety of them for sure.