Dubai Museum

We all know that Dubai is world –famous of its richness, of its unbelievable constructions and of its oil, but little do we know about the actual culture, and in connection with the culture, the must-see cultural heritages of Dubai. I recommend everyone to start his or her cultural exploration in the marvellous Dubai Museum. The Dubai museum is indeed the best way to get closer to the ancient culture, to the ancient Islamic world of Dubai, and finally yet importantly, to get closer to its people.

The Dubai museum had previously been a gigantic fortress, the Al Fahidi fort, once both the residence of several emperors of Dubai and the seat of government, till Dubai finally decided to conserve this alone-standing building for the future as a museum.

The Dubai Museum had first opened its doors to the public in the beginning of the 1970’s and ever since it’s been one of the greatest examples of the ancient architecture of Dubai and of the greatest and most suggested sites of Dubai which makes the Dubai museum an even more attractive historical treasure to see.

The Museum is situated just by the sea, being a former fortress serving as one base of defence against the several enemies of the Kingdom in the past. The fortress was built of Coral stone giving it a beautiful pinkish- red colour making it really one unforgettable building to see giving us also great chance to take hundreds of photos of it even before stepping into the museum itself.

The museum has officially one of the richest historical collections in the whole Middle-Eastern region and what make it also unique are its interactive presentations so that we can in real take a look back into the past. We can see how people used to live, we can look at a “Medersa” Islamic School, we can see the life vivid life of a souk, we can look into a mosque even! Mind you, many of these, a non-Islamic person and a woman can never get to see in real-life, just to enhance how much this visit to the Dubai Museum is so much worth!

The main building of the Dubai Museum serves as the Military museum, depicting the countless fights of Dubai in the past, showing us the weapons used, together with the dresses and of course with a vivid description in order for us to feel, that we are there as well-hopefully safe though.

In the Archaeological section of the Dubai Museum, we can take a glimpse at the numerous treasures and artefacts, which have been recently found in Dubai. The presentation of the Underwater –world is necessary see!

Therefore, to close this short presentation, I hope that my short presentation will make you visit this beautiful museum. The Dubai Museum is open every weekday from 8:30 to 19:30 except on Fridays when it opens at 14:00.

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