Although Dubai is more popular for its high profile extra luxurious brands that sell handbags and all sorts of other types of luxury accessories or fashion items, there are some who are looking for cheap handbags. Here, we would like to serve with advice for them and see where to find cheap handbags.
Where to find cheap yet quality handbags? You can find quality and good brandy yet cheap handbags on sale right now and basically at every seasons’ end at the biggest quality department stores of Dubai, for example in the Debenhams you can now buy quality shoulder handbags from around AED 220 (USD 60). The Bloomingdales‘ went down with its prices and now sells out many of its quality handbags for sometimes even less than AED 145 (USD 40). Unfortunately, Saks that deals with the most luxurious handbags among all doesn’t go under AED 550 (USD 150) per handbag but this may be cheap for many too, according to purse and brands of course.
So, this is the time when its worth looking around, yet all these department stores have their continuos sales department too, so you can always pick some cheapish or cheap handbags in one of them. There are the mid-strong brands which are also called the prét-a-porter brands which has lower priced cheap handbags at times such as the stores of Juicy Couture, Guess, Accessorize, Mango or Zara which belong to the on the market, but when there is no sales not many of their handbags go under AED 550 (USD 150) when talking about real leather handbags of course. You can also check out Marks and Spencer which always has quality collections, but Marks and Spencer also doesn’t belong to the extra cheap category.
If you want to buy cheap handbags and doesn’t care about the brand name, first check out the souks of Deira where you can buy leather handbags for a great price and great quality as well! Their cheap handbags look really great and sometimes even unique and they are surely made out of genuine leather. This is a great way to get great cheap handbags , good , durable quality and a travel souvenir in the same time.
You can also check out the Dubai Outlet Mall. The mall doesn’t host the largest brands but it for sure sells fine quality leather handbags for a much lower price which you would pay for them in the downtown of Dubai.
If you want to climb even more lower with the prices, then it is the Dragonmart which is for you. The Dragonmart is the largest Chinese market in the Middle East and for sure no one can beat their prices. The only drawback may be is, that Chinese are those who currently make the highest number of fake bags. Cheap handbags are sold at the Dragonmart in an extreme variety, yet their quality is questioned as most of the time they are made of fake leather.
Cheap handbags as you see are sold in a large number all over Dubai and if you are smart or simply lucky and arrive in Dubai during one of their shopping festivals, then you can get cheap handbags at places you would never have thought to do so.