There aren’t many women in the world who would not have heard of the brand Louis Vuitton and their famous handbags. The brand is among the top brands in the world today and together with this, LV bags are among those most sought for by the rich and most copied by the illegal Chinese markets. Let’s see where can we find the genuine Louis Vuitton handbags in Dubai today.
Louis Vuitton is among the first brands which have become world famous by keeping their primary business. The French Louis Vuitton first opened its store in 1854 in Paris. The firm was a family firm for long and the LV monogram was established only a little bit later than the business has started. They have become world famous for making exceptional quality travel baggage sets for the rich and royal families of that time. It’s important to mention here that at those times, one journey lasted for months; therefore, ladies toilets had to have stored in the right places. One baggage set of those times varied between ten and twenty luggage including the specifically hat-holding baggage and those suitcases which were created to hold dresses as in a modern closet. Travelling with the Louis Vuitton handbags and luggage collection has quickly made the brand world famous and you can see Louis Vuitton handbags and leather travel suitcase collections in the US films from the Fifties quite often. Today Louis Vuitton also deals with the production of limited collection preét a porter fashion items too but has managed to stick with its LV handbag and luggage collections. The Louis Vuitton brand has quickly gained fame and their rebirth came roughly from the end of the Nineties when they first started to promote their collections with international superstars.
The huge luxury corporation Louis Vuitton-Moet Hennessey was founded in 1987 and today they are one of the top luxury conglomerate in the world having several luxury brands under their flag. Due to the heightened copying of Louis Vuitton handbags on the illegal markets, Vuitton has stopped selling its items in department stores and instead they have opened more of their brand stores. It’s quite rare today, to see genuine LV bags sold outside of a Louis Vuitton store. Today’s most popular Louis Vuitton handbags are those which are made with the usage of their trademark brown leather with the LV monogram. They had several different lines coming out which also made the handbags world famous, like the signature of Louis Vuitton, the mini monogram, the coloured monogram and the Cherry handbags, the graffiti handbags all copied heavily by the illegal black markets.
Today their handbags are also sold online directly on the site of Louis Vuitton. In Dubai, the label stores of Louis Vuitton can be found in the Dubai Mall, which is their flagship store and other shops have opened in Dubai’s other elite shopping malls such as the Mall of the Emirates and the popular BurJuman Shopping Mall, thanks to the huge demand of rich Dubai ladies and tourists. According to LV, their handbags are largely made by hands which make their items and prices rare and pricy. Check out the latest collections in one of Dubai’s shopping malls.