Buddha Bar is a colorful place in the nightlife of Dubai. Buddha Bar is an interesting production, which originally started out as a music compilation of two DJs. Today, there is a Buddha Bar in all the big metropolis of the world. Buddha Bar is famous for its relaxed yet chill atmosphere and music. Buddha Bars have quickly become the meeting and relaxing place of several people who came to have a good night out, enjoying the music, which is not deafening over here. Buddha Bars have modern-oriental look inside, and the common in each Buddha Bar is, that each one has a large Buddha statue inside, giving the main symbol of the interior.
Buddha Bar concern is part of the George V Entertainment Production company, which has several international entertainment places under the names of Buddha Siddhartha, Karma just to mention a few examples. George V Entertainment does not only own discos and bars all around the world, but it also has started its own hotel chain, the Buddha Bar Hotel chain, which already owns several hotels in Europe through a cooperation with the Mellow Mood Group. The first hotel operated by Buddha Bar and George V, will soon open its very first hotel in the Middle East in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates. The Hotel is due to open in 2015.
Apart from the Entertainment and Hotel segments, Buddha Bar also has a major Spa segment, having beautiful luxury spas all around the world. Among the most famous Buddha Bar Spas in the Middle Eastern region, we can mention the Buddha Bar Spa Dubai, which will be part of the Buddha Bar complex in the same Grosvenor Hotel where the Buddha Bar lounge and disco can also be found. The spa is due to open this year.
Found in the brand new Grosvenor House Complex on the West Marina Beach overlooking the Persian Gulf, Dubai’s Buddha Bar is a huge complex on two floors. The bar has three different segments playing different sorts of music by serving the needs of both who would like to chill out and those who would like to dance.
Buddha Bar is one of the most visited places by tourists of every age. Thanks to its different segments, the bar can accommodate many people with different interest and music tastes. The Bar has quite a friendly atmosphere, so no wonder that it has crowded every single evening.
If you go out in Dubai, be prepared to go home probably earlier if you are a big clubber at your home country. According to the law in Dubai, all bars and discos must close at 3 am. The reason for this might be that the time of first prayer in the morning is around 4 am. The discos and bars at the hotels do serve alcohol, but outside there is not much chance for you to find a drink.
Therefore, if you have prepared for a good night out, which you would like to spend chilled out, sitting down at a cool bar and then switching to a disco, why do you not try the Buddha Bar, where you can find all these possibilities at one place? Only do not forget to reserve a table on time, as the Buddha Bar is quite frequented already due to its success.