Cigar lounges and cigar bars follow a new trend in Dubai. Their atmosphere will remind you of an exclusive English club with the enjoying of various cigars and drinks with some great conversations, the cigar lounges are for all the gourmets of cigar and the cigar lifestyle. Let us talk about two of the most popular cigar lounges in Dubai.
The Fairmont Dubai Cigar Bar
The Fairmont Dubai’s Cigar Bar offers a luxurious cosy place for all those who would like to have a cigar with a glass of whiskey in order to enjoy a little bit of silence and an overall relaxed atmosphere. The interior of the bar contains warm shades of mahogany and its furniture includes some Victorian rich, dark furniture. This cigar bar has excellent varieties of cigars on offer naturally including the most famous cigar in the world, the handmade Cuban cigar, which suggest it a future paradise on Earth for the cigar loving society. The drinks served in order to widen and support the taste of the finest cigars include cognacs, whiskies and the cigar bar even has a dedicated rum bar in order to fulfil all special drink needs. The Fairmont Dubai Cigar bar is a great place to be for all liking the world of cigars.
The Cigar Bar at Fairmont Hotel Dubai s also the meeting place of the younger generation living in the city. In addition, it suggests being a great setting for smaller business meetings. The bar is inside the Fairmont Hotel and it is located on the second floor of the hotel. Of course, the Cigar Bar is not all about cigars; it has also a great cuisine offering great meals. The Fairmont Dubai Cigar Bar is open from 6 pm to 2 am every day and the good thing is that you do not need to make prior reservations. The staff is extremely kind over here and will do all it s best to be for your help.
Cuban Bar
Cuban Bar is the speciality of Hilton Dubai Jumeirah Resort a great La Habana like place, with all the rustic Cuban furniture, music, colours and atmosphere. The Cuban Bar forms one part of the Hilton restaurant called Pachanga. This is a great relaxing place to be in, after the incredible traffic of the Dubai downtown. The place is a non-snob place, so anyone can visit it. They have a great selection of the best Cuban cigars While the Pachanga restaurant serves a fine selection of great Latin American specialities, this bar has been created in order to let people know more on the enjoying of the real Cuban cigars and cigarillos the mini cigars. That is why the Cuban Bar is a non-snob place avoided by the thick-Victorian club- atmosphere of other cigar clubs.
Enjoy a quiet time, a drink with the suiting cigar in the authentic Habana style place at the Cuban Bar after having your tapas in the Pachanga Restaurant. The bar is equally suitable for both amateurs and professional cigar fans to enjoy a great, leisurely stopover here. Pair your choice with an aperitif or a beverage from their extensive menu of the bar.